Reports Analytics - TheSocialToppings

Insights Backed with Serious Analytics Muscle

Bid goodbye to compiling actionable data manually. Ailifebot unified, secure dashboard’s got you covered. Move your customer support database away from scattered spreadsheets and paper files forever, centralise data at your fingertips.

Democratise Your Data with Dashboards
Measure the Exact breakdown of Chat Metrics
Back up Your decisions with Chat Statistics
Overall Dashboard

Connect All the Dots for More Actionable Data

Get insights on standard metrics like CSAT to as much breakdown as you want in terms of your bot and agents’ performance. Thanks to Chat Statistics. Use this data to take informed decisions and set up your support team for success.

Real-time Monitoring

Get a Real-time Picture of What’s Happening in Your Team

Turn your live chat agents into strategic resources by analysing customer support data in real-time. Skim through the live data and take proactive decisions. Track everything from chat statuses to agent availability to quality of responses in real time, and see how you stack up.

Reporting and Scheduling

Instant, Easy-to-Read Reports, Right at Your Fingertips

Yet another surprise executive meeting—and they love to see the numbers? Generate a variety of reports on different customer support metrics that matter to your business in a matter of minutes—just in time for that last-minute meeting. What’s more, the reports you send can also be scheduled at a frequency based on your preference!

Goal Completion Rate

Set Highly Customisable Goals for Your Bot

Set multiple goals in your chat flow to track what your Chabot is achieving for you. Attach a goal to a specific block inside your chatbot’s flow and check if your bot has achieved it or not. Whenever a conversation with a customer reaches this block, it gets counted as ‘goal achieved.’ Understand how well your customers are interacting with your bot and measure your ROI efficiently.

User Insights

Keep Your Conversation Informationally Rich

Make your conversation informational by identifying the frequently queried topics and creating FAQs around them. Improve bot coverage by adding new question categories, relevant examples to existing question categories, and changing bot flow to accommodate shifts in user needs. This way, your bot handles frequently asked queries thus saving agent productivity.


Do More with Ailifebot

Converse Smartly

Create a seamless customer journey by starting to strike a conversation, welcoming your customers, enabling customers to self-serve, and closing the conversation in a meaningful way.

Omnichannel Presence

Be available for your customers, anywhere, anytime. From Facebook to Whatsapp, Website to In-app, everywhere! Extend your customer support exactly where your customers are looking for you.

Out-of-the-box Integrations

Connect with any app instantly. Access your ticketing system quickly while talking to your customers. Ailifebot supports about 10+ CRM/ticketing software to give you a seamless conversational experience.

Holistic Customer Support
Starts Here

Talk to our experts to understand how Ailifebot can automate your
customer support.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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