Social media course for beautician | facebook Classroom Course


Social media marketing is not about uploading a photo or video. It’s a different ball game. Planning, strategy, implementation & analysis are the key factors behind it. You need patience, dedication, consistency & visibility to achieve it. Social media course for beautician is designed for beauty, hair, and nail design professionals who want to boost their social media usage to promote their salon. Through our interactive online marketing classes, I will teach you how to effectively use Instagram, build your own website, and so much more to attract new clients and keep your appointment book full.
Whether you are fresh out of beauty school or have been working in a spa for a few years, this course will help you develop some digital skills that will help you boost your salon and become a master of social media, eliminating the need to hire an expensive digital marketing company to promote your business.

How to scale up your beauty page?

As all of you know the beauty industry is booming & as per the expert’s report expected reach will be 33.33BN by 2027 Billion $. So there will be a huge demand for beauty makeup experts. The best part is Social media will play a big role in achieving your goals. In my personal experience most of the time it has been that beauty influencers are treating it as a photo-sharing platform, don’t realize that scaling a business isn’t just about adding more products, service or opening a new beauty store, or jumping into every trend. You need to be focused, and dedicated & drill into the respective platform to accelerate your online business.

Want to know how?

Who can join the session?

Beauty Lovers, Makeup artists, salon owners, hair stylists, Makeup influencers & fashion lovers, and beauty store owners can join social media course for beautician.

The benefit you will get:

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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