E-Commerce - TheSocialToppings

Conversational AI Support in E-commerce and Retail

Replicate in-store assistance on your online store across channels, using Ailifebot’s AI-powered conversational platform.

Conversational AI for E-commerce Use Cases

Start your e-commerce business with Conversational AI

Keep your customers informed on the order status

Let your customer contact you for returns and refunds

Reconnect with customers to tell them about new products, upcoming sales, etc.

Re-engage with customers and encourage them to complete their transactions

Make it easy for customers to leave reviews and feedback

Why Choose Ailifebot’s Conversational AI Plateform

Engage at Every Step

Say hello to all visitors and answer customers questions as they move through different buying stages. Showcase your products in media-rich messaging and respond to your users in human-like conversations using NLP. Use conversational AI to understand intent, communicate and influence buying experience. Because every interaction matters.

A New Type of Storefront

Provide convenience to your customers by being available to them where they are. Engage with your users on a channel of their preference and provide real-time, uninterrupted omnichannel support. Expand your brand reach by offering shopping and support experiences on the Website, Facebook, and WhatsApp.

Real-time Interactions

Make Support Easy and Fast

Answer your customer complaints immediately and accurately. Keep track of your customer information like purchase history, location, previous chats — all in one place while you chat with them. Integrate your CRM and other tools to provide a unified customer view. The more you know about the customer, the better you can support them.
Seamless Integrations
Unified Customer View

Bring Them Back to Your Store

Personalise interactions and make your customers feel special. Keep your customers updated about orders, shipment, refunds and offers even before they ask. Share information so they never even have to log tickets, to begin with. Improve customer’s experience with your brand. Happy shoppers are repeat consumers, so give them a reason to come back.

Proactive Communication
Scale Interactions

Boost Conversions with Knowledge

Learn from the conversational data generated by your customers and agents. A dashboard that will give detailed insights, so you know what’s happening all the time. Get data in real-time and track your agents and bot’s KPIs. Use predictive analysis to understand customer behaviour and improve customer engagement.

Seamless Integrations
Actionable Insights

How Will Your Business Benefit?

Fine-Tune Lead Generation

Talk to every customer, share personalised recommendations and drive conversions with custom-built offers

Trim Down Support Expenses

Automate repetitive tasks and improve agent efficiency by employing AI for intelligent conversations and interactions

Open Doors to New Buyers

Expand brand reach by connecting with customers on different communication channels and multiple languages


Some feedbacks from honorable Clients

Holistic Customer Support
Starts Here

Talk to our experts to understand how Ailifebot can automate your
customer support.

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