banking & fs - TheSocialToppings

Interactive Support for Banking and Financial Services

Enable digital transformation and streamline banking operations with the power of Conversational AI for customer support.

Conversational AI for E-commerce Use Cases

Automate FAQs and enable self-service for faster resolutions

Record customer complaints and sync them with your CRM

Assimilate, identify, and verify all KYC documents from users in real-time

Collect feedback and CSAT on the services delivered by your bank

Allow customers to do digital transactions on different channels at their convenience

Send alerts, updates and reminders to ensure higher engagement and compliance

Why Choose Ailifebot’s Conversational AI Plateform

Conversational Banking Made Easy

Give your customers the freedom to report stolen cards, check account balances, book appointments, find the nearest branch and apply for services using Conversational AI. Our intelligent AI-powered platform uses advanced NLP and NLU to create human-like conversations and help customers solve up to 80% of queries on their own.

Open an Account on Every Channel

Accelerate your digital presence with omnichannel support. Power your entire customer support journey on different channels such as website, in-app, Facebook and WhatsApp. Allow customers to interact with you on a channel, time and language of their preference. Create unique, branded experiences for your customers that fit their style.

Multilingual Support

Acquire and Sync Data with Integrations

Meet and exceed your customers’ expectations by empowering your customers and agents with Conversational AI. Integrate with your customer service tools to deliver high value and relevant information to customers during self-service. For complex questions, seamlessly hand over chats to agents and provide them with a unified customer view.

Seamless Integrations
Unified Customer View

Converse with Customers Proactively

Re-engage with lost leads and old customers with customer-made follow-up messages, updates and notifications. Send prompts to remind applicants of the pending steps. Increase overall conversion through in-built KYC validation. Start conversations to upsell and cross-sell various products while the customer is engaging with the bot.
Re-engagement Campaigns
Complete KYC Validation

Measure and Check Performance to Grow

Get data in real-time and track your agents and bot’s KPIs. Learn from the conversational data generated by your customers and agents. Dashboard and reports that will give detailed insights, so you know what’s happening all the time. Use predictive analysis to understand customer behaviour and improve customer interactions.

Intuitive Reports
Actionable Insights

How Will Your Business Benefit?

Increase Conversions

Share the correct information and point customers in the right direction that’ll help them make quick decisions

Save on Support Costs

Automate up to 80% of repetitive tasks with conversational banking to reduce operational costs by 30%

Expand Your Market Reach

Get closer to customers and connect with them on new communication channels and multiple languages, 24×7


Some feedbacks from honorable Clients

Holistic Customer Support
Starts Here

Talk to our experts to understand how Ailifebot can automate your
customer support.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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