Agent Assist - TheSocialToppings

Everything Your Agents Need to Improve their Productivity

Ailifebot got a bunch of agent-friendly features that can assist your agents in handling conversations smartly and hence translating it into the metrics that can improve their productivity.

Exclusive Agent Dashboards
Live Chat with Power-packed Features
Seamless Access to Other Applications
Agent Dashboard

Enable Your Agents to Measure and Reflect

Ailifebot exclusive agent dashboards, lets them measure the customer satisfaction score (CSAT), track the status of their conversations and even measure their overall KPIs at a glance without overpopulating data that’s unnecessary to them.

Canned Responses

Reply to Common Questions in a Few Clicks

Canned responses are pre-saved messages that your agents can choose from a list of responses by typing in the keywords off the top of their mind. Needless to say, responding in a jiffy means improvement in response rates.

Live Chat Plugins

Accommodate Multiple Apps Inside One View

Allow your agents to pull information from your other applications such as CRM, Google maps etc without having to switch tabs. There’s no reason you can’t improve your response rates and resolution times with Ailifebot.


Resume Conversations with Gentle Reminders

Ailifebot loves solving for nuanced pain points. With Nudge, agents can send reminder/ follow up messages automatically after a specific period of time so that no conversation is left incomplete.


Take Quick Notes During a Conversation

Arm your agents with every bit of context they need while they handle a conversation. Making notes while talking to a customer helps them quickly jot down important points that they can refer or pass on to the next agent who might handle the same conversation in the future. No, your customers can’t see them.

Details Beyond Dashboard

Arm Your Agents with More Features

Show the number of active chats, what’s waiting on your agents and what’s waiting on others to your agents. Apply appropriate filters to filter conversations based on assignment, status, CSAT and dates and fetch all the information that you need.


Do More with Ailifebot

Out-of-the-box Integrations

Connect with any app instantly. Want to access your ticketing system quickly while talking to your customers? Or perhaps payments or marketing app? We’ve got you covered.

Omnichannel Presence

Be available for your customers 24*7, be available everywhere. From Facebook to Whatsapp, Website to In-app, extend your customer support exactly where your customers are.

Measure and Reflect

Compare, and Analyse the performance of your bot with that of your agents with the most insightful chat statistics. You can also retrieve chats using webhook URLs to get customised ad-hoc reports.

Holistic Customer Support
Starts Here

Talk to our experts to understand how Ailifebot can automate your
customer support.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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